At PL Freeman Co our site Utility Division Team has proven experience in the following areas:
  • Sanitary Sewer Installation and Repair
  • Meter Pit Installation
  • Water Mains and Storm Sewer Systems
  • Underground Plumbing
  • Underground Piping
Our team of operators, plumbers and laborers have the expertise and experience to make sure your underground utilities are secure and reliable.
One call does it all!

Project Resume

Scope: Meter Pit Setting, Water and Sump Crock Piping
General Contractor: Hunzinger
Contract Amount: $94,024.00
Lost Time Accidents: 0
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee County Valve Pit Repairs
Scope: Commercial Rough and Finish Plumbing
Owner Milwaukee County
Contract Amount: $13,500
Lost Time Accidents: 0
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee County GMIA
Scope: Culvert Repair Piping
Owner Milwaukee County
Contract Amount: $800.00
Lost Time Accidents: 0
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee County GMIA
Scope: Valve Repairs
Owner Milwaukee County
Contract Amount: $1,800.00
Lost Time Accidents: 0
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin